
Dr. Chris­toph Za­bo­row­ski

1968, Zü­rich

Chairman of the Board of Directors
Holder of this function since 01.09.2016

Dr. oec. publ. (University of Zurich),
Bachelor’s Degree in Economics (University of Constance)

Professional activity

Since 2015 Majority shareholder and Chairman of the Board of REFL Invest AG

2003 – 2014 Partner at Wüest Partner

1999 – 2003 employee at Wüest Partner

1994 – 1999 Teaching Assistant at the Institute for Empirical Research in Economics at the University of Zurich

Key competencies
Strategy development, real estate market, real estate valuation, data analysis, research, risk analysis

Other mandates
Principal owner and Chairman of the Board of Directors of REFL Invest AG, Member of the Board of Directors of COL Ltd (Alpasion Wines & Lodge), Member of the Board of Directors of Seraina Real Estate AG, Chairman of the Investment Committee of Seraina Investment Foundation, Member of the Real Estate Committee of the Lonza Pension Fund, Chairman of the Investment Committee of FG Wohninvest Deutschland, Advisor to the FG Wohnen Deutschland Committee

Peter Wull­schle­ger

1965, Zo­fin­gen

Member and Delegate of the Board of Directors
Holder of this function since 01.09.2016

Swiss Certified Accountant (1989-1992, Swiss Association of Commercial Employees, Zurich)

Professional activity

1999 – 2014 Chief Financial Officer and Member of the Executive Board of Swiss Prime Site AG

1994 – 2012 Managing Director, Head of Finance & Controlling at Real Estate Asset Management Switzerland, Credit Suisse AG, Zurich

1985 – 1994 Group Head of Financial Accounting, DEVO AG, Olten (public limited company for real estate funds belonging to the former Swiss Volksbank)

Key competencies
Finance and accounting, controlling, tax, compliance, capital market, financing and lending, M&A, real estate market, rental law, CISA (Collective Investment Schemes Act), asset management

Other mandates
Trustee of the pension fund of the town of Olten, Member of the Board of Directors of Plusimmo AG, Schaffhausen and Immonio AG, Schaffhausen

Anja Meyer

1967, Lucerne

Member of the Board of Directors

Holder of this function since 01.09.2016


Graduate, Swiss Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship at the University of St. Gallen

Professional activity
2009 – 2017 Proprietor and Delegate of the Board of Directors of smeyers Holding AG.
2002 – 2009 Head of Marketing and Member of the Executive Board of Serimo Immobiliendienste AG.
1995 – 2002 Business Development Director for Switzerland and Austria of REGUS Plc.
1992 – 1995 Sales Director Quail Ridge Development, FLA.
1988 – 1992 Office Manager APAX Partners.

Key competencies

Sales, acquisition (due diligence), marketing and positioning of real estate investments. Real estate consulting in the SME environment. Corporate and real estate transactions. Management and development.

Other mandates
Board of Directors of Soluma AG and smeyers Holding AG

Pa­trick Meyer

1964, Lu­zern

Member of the Board of Directors
Holder of this function since 01.09.2016

Degree in Mechanical Engineering from ETH Zurich / MBA

Professional activity

Since 2008 Corporate Development and Production, AM Surface GmbH

Since 2006 Project Manager and Test Manager for Software Projects, Patrick Meyer Consulting & Engineering GmbH

2001 – 2006 Operations Manager for Automotive, Sarnamotive Schweiz AG

1999 – 2001 Project Manager for Plant Construction, Sibos AG

until 1999 Project Manager in Steel and Plant Construction, Josef Meyer Stahl & Metall AG

Key competencies
Project management, specification and test management, development management, innovation coaching

Reto von Rotz

1972, Lucerne and Kerns

Member of the Board of Directors
Holder of this function since 13.04.2021

Master in Real Estate Management UZH / CUREM (2010), basic, expert and special courses at the Swiss Real Estate Valuers Association SIV, Dipl. Architekt FH Brugg-Windisch (1997)

Professional activity

Since 2017 Head of Marketing Investment Properties / CIO and Members of the GL / VR of Markstein AG, Baden

2006 – 2017 Head of Construction Trust and Members of the Management Board of Markstein AG, Baden

1997 – 2006 Managing Director and Chairman of the Board of 5 Architekten AG, Wettingen

Key competencies
Transaction management, real estate project development, property trusteeship, real estate valuations, portfolio strategies